
Showing posts from August, 2020

Letter of the week

 This letter of the week the letter is T this week.


  This week I joined the cooking workshop option  On the first day we did the safety rules in the kitchen. The second day we got to cut up our vegetables that we bought and we got to play find the word is well. The third day we got to eat the soup. The part I liked the most was to get to eat the soup because the soup was 10/10 for me cause this is the first time that I ever get to eat soup.

Term 3 Worckshop reflection

  WhetÅ« Workshops Reflection During Term 2 and 3 the WhetÅ« students have had the opportunity to be involved in a range of different workshops. The workshop that I have enjoyed participating in the most has been emoji multiplication. The new learning that I have learnt is the emoji multiplication because it has times tables that I want to do in it to make the emoji. What I have most enjoyed about the workshops are the emoji multiplication because it is my thing for times table.  I am interested in learning more about rad rhythm because I’m interested of making music with instruments.


  This is my art I did a hand for my art the colors I used were light yellow, and lime for the hand for the background I used green and red and the pattern I used was checkers for the background that I have chosen.

Should animals be kept in zoos?

  This is my inquiry "I did cons about zoos I came up with three con reasons about zoos." Should animals be kept in zoos?' My opinion was a poster because a poster to me was the best choice for me.

Letter of the week 5

 This is the letter of the week itis a this week. 

Christopher's chatpter chat make

   This is chapter chat I did make the make was to make the characters in the book named Wink I was idea shopping, with Reagan we came up with our own ideas then we went away from each other, then I came up with this it was hard from the start to make the mane characters this is what I came up with and I think I did a supernova job of doing this.

Letter of the week 4

  This is a letter of the week the letter of the week was s this week.

Whetu challenge week 3 2020

This is the Whetu challenge that we did today my group did Simpsons from the cartoon the people I worked with was  Kyrahn, Khobie, Peyton, and Sean I did Marge I struggled doing Marge because it was hard outlining Marge but in the end, I finally got there. I did not have a fun time doing this but I gave it a shot and I did it.

Letter of the week 3

This is what I have done for my letter of the week   is s.