
Showing posts from June, 2020

My Term 2, 2020 Reflection

The new learning activity that I have enjoyed the most this term is the anagrams workshop. Something that has challenged me this term has been nothing so far. The Whetu Challenge I enjoyed the most was egg carton creation because you could make anything. The opt-in workshop I enjoyed the most was anagrams. An aim I have for my learning is to get stuff ready before my group meeting starts

Math mystery Week 12 2020

Today I did this math mystery with Owen and this math mystery was easy\hard for me it was hard for a bit trying to make the words make scene to make a word the easy part was getting the numbers with the one word pure correct number then we had to make it into a word when we were done with the numbers on that line.

egg carton creation week 11

EGG CARTON CREATION This week for our Whetu Challenge we created something using egg cartons I came up with a turtle for my egg carton creation and my turtle did turn out as planned and my turtle is a baby just got newborn. Making my turtle was hard of hot glueing my bit's on and making my turtle the materials I used was green paper, green paint, google eyes and a hot glue gun. Making my turtle was really fun about putting the bits and bobs on this egg creation I really injured making my newborn turtle and making it came out as planned .

Maths mystery week 11

I worked with Owen and Hemi we solved this math mystery and we think it is Berniece Lowry cause we were just trying but we don't know if it will be right or not so we just meant with the answer that we got and we came up with Berniece Lowry as the murder.

Blog challenge Week 11

This is my blog challenge I choose to do the school option I pick these items couch, whiteboard, whiteboard pen, whiteboard rubber, table, bookshelf, books & paper I choose these items because I like that these ones had no background so I choose them and they look pretty good for a school classroom and it looks like a supernova job of doing this and it looks realistic.

Read and predict week 11

The Monster really wanted to go home but he got lost and now, in Gorden's house under Gorden's bed making sounds of crying and does not want to hurt Gorden but. The Monster really wants to be at his home by now but he can't find his home in the sun. Because the Monster's like the darkness but in the sun they will die in the sun, so the Monster really wants to go home and can't hurt everyone else cause they are far away from there home. This Read, Predict & write was really awesome and I think I did a supernova job of this because I really like this Read, Predict & write.

Whetu challenge paper air planes week 10

Whetu Challenge - Paper Planes Today our challenge was to design an accurate paper plane. We were given a draft piece of paper to trial and a good piece to use once we had tested the accuracy of it. Before we started I thought this challenge was going to be hard because I hadn’t made one for a long time. I decided to use the design I decided to do hashtags, cordis, and the N.Z sign. The hardest part was trying to get the paper airplane into the hanger but I keep getting close to the hanger and I was in the line with 3 points. During our competition time I managed to score 3 points.

Blog challenge week 10

This week's blog challenge was about making a birthday card this is what I came up with a cake it can be any type of cake you want it to be, birthday hats and a person winking and doing the thumbs up and pointing its tongue at you and I came up with the idea to had stuff in a party on the back of the card I think it looks super cool and a supernova.


This is what happen on this day of lockdown did some editing I made sure it made sense to the people who read it and I think I did supernova job of doing this real-life story well not exactly real story but yeah I gave it a shot and I did it.

Read and predict week 10

Frank's knees are wobbly Frank will need to rest and Fank will probably fall over into the sand to rest because Fank has no water because his water dried in he's canteen so Frank is dehydration.

Math mystery

I did this math mystery with Owen we think the pencil thief is Ruby and we got math to prove on this doc   and we think we both did a supernova job of doing this pencil thief mystery.

Read and predict

I'm predicting the animals will likely come out of the barn because Danny shuts the door behind him but left it unlocked and left the keys next to the shoves in the hay Danny was meant to leave the door locked but Danny forgot to do the task because he got over wold so he forgot to get the keys to lock the door and went out for his next task.

Math Mystery completed

 I did this math mystery with ben and it was not easy to do but we did get there to the end we think the answer is Nikau because he is the person with the fruit and no hat so we think it is Nkau and I think we did and supernova job of doing this math mystery.

Blog challenge week 9

This is me in ten years in time I would be 20 years old m y biggest achievement will be helping people picking books in the library places I will be Thames & Ngatea I will be working as librarying person I would still be friends will Owen Me in ten years time I would look different then from now.

Tennis ball tower Whetu challenge

Tennis Ball Tower Challenge Today for our Whetu Challenge we worked in a group to build a tower out of newspaper, 2 straws and sellotape. We needed to make our tower strong enough to hold a tennis ball and be able to stand alone (not leaning on anything or needing support). Today I worked with Oscar and Cody. At first we had trouble with sticking the newspaper on. The easiest thing was cutting the Sellotape. The best part of our tower was that the newspaper was strong enough to hold itself up. Our tower looked really skinny so it could be strong. In the end it was awesome but at the top, it was not strong enough to hold the ball so we had to hold the ball are self and then it was strong to hold the tower by itself.

Math mystery

This is me and Owen solving the math mystery and we think it is Captian Steve and I think me and Owen did a supernova job on completing this math mystery and it was easy

Read and Predict

This is me predicting what is going to happen next time in my book so far my first prediction was correct I think this prediction will be correct too but let's find out.

Blog challenge week 8

                                           This is me as a blog pet having an awesome! time with my owner and I think I did a supernova job of making me a dog! and this kind is a pug dog and his colors are black and light drown and my blog pet name is Levi.