
Showing posts from February, 2021

Week 4 Term 1 2021

  The most interesting/fun thing we have done during class time this week is play because I can hang out with my friends and play with them and it will be so much fun. We started our art this week and I have chosen to do art with Mrs Heaven and Mrs Loft.  Our art is going to be a face of my self because I was away and I got put in this art group but I like what I am doing even when I didn’t pick this art group but right now I am just doing the layout for now. We created our WhetÅ« stars on Thursday and they look awesome I did it with my mum and we brought our own little stars for our star and my mum helped out with the star as well. Next week we have our school swimming sports. I am feeling excited about swimming sports because we can earn house points for our house team.

Week 3 Term 1 2021 template

  Week 3, Term 1, 2021 Someone who has helped me with my learning this year is Regan for helping me when I was stuck. The most interesting/fun thing we have done during class time is swimming because it is so much fun. The most fun thing that I have done at play or lunchtime this year is playing with my friends because they included people and it becomes so much fun. One word that describes learning in Whetu is stars because it means stars. Something I am looking forward to is more Whetu challenges because they are so much fun to do.

Week 3 2021

  This is my avatar that I have created for this year it almost looks like me.