Christopher's Chatper challenge

A goal I have for myself this year is to help others so they can help other people.

What I am most looking forward to this year is doing awesome stuff in class this year with the teachers!x

Someone who has helped me so far is Owen he always helps me when I am in his class.

How I aim to show our NPS ICARE this year is Respect others and listen to them so they do the same thing to someone else.


Over the last week I have been working on my visual pepeha. What I found challenging was the Ngatea simple because I couldn’t get the logo perfected enough and I had to make it small to fit it in the star. 

I am proud of my star because it to a long time to get it finish and it took time to get it finished.

What I found challenging was the Nagtea simple and also I couldn’t fit it in the large left leg of the star so I had to make it small to fit.

I worked with my mum to create my whanau star.

This is my chapter challenge I pick this creative activity steam train my friend Owen help me make it and the but the most challenging part, was the body part because it did break down a couple of times. Then we finally made it to not break down it took three weeks to make it perfect and when I picked this activity, I was really interested in the activity and me and Owen thought we could make it out of klikko and we, did make it out of klikko and it looks awesome! When you look inside the steam pipe there is coal for the smoke when you open it up.


  1. It's so awesome having you in Whetu Christopher! You have had a great start to the year and we can't wait to help you with your learning. I enjoyed reading your first blog post and have been impressed with your participation in group challenges. Keep up the great work.

  2. i think you have done a great job on your star i think it is a supernova from Sean


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