Whetu Fun Day

 Whetu Fun Day

Last Thursday we had a Whetu Fun Day as our camp was postponed.  Our teachers planned a fun day for us instead!  We participated in a Whetu Amazing Race, a range of different fun rotations, a BBQ lunch and play on the council playground then we finished the day with an Easter Egg hunt and an ice block.

My favourite part of the Amazing Race was going around Ngatea to find the eggs my hardest part was at the day care it took a couple of minutes to find the egg. My best part was doing the puzzle at the hockey turf we were trying to get it to look dental to a cube my group was good at it we did it in one minute it was pretty fast my past groups there, the people I was working with in my group was Eli, Max, Regan, George, Dylan, Lachlan and me.

The rotation I enjoyed the most was the Mosaics because you could choose the colour you wont and use that to got on your on the one that you must choose the choose's were an egg or and bunny I choose the bunny. My second rotation was Team Games because you will get in a team and you got a colour and you must find the colour beanbag under the cone I was orange first up my second colour was blue and you must get five on them and then your team sits down.

During the Easter Egg Hunt I found my stick in a tree next to the hockey turf it was hiding in the leaves when we find a stick we return it to get a ice block and a chocolate Easter egg. Then we got some extra play time until the teacher calls us back inside.


  1. What a great recap of our amazing day last week. We all had so much fun didn't we?


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